In a time where disparity is at large, it seems more than silly that nearly 500 million dollars is being spent on movie production. From both economical and humanitarian standpoints, what the fuck? There are so many better ways for that money to be spent. But, no, five.hundred.million.dollars. went into the production of the "Avatar" film. Don't get me wrong, (while I may romanticize about being an anarchist) I am all about the movie industry for educational and entertainment purposes - Lena and I have Movie Wednesdays, after all. However, the amount of money put into his film is completely asinine. I would like, maybe even love, to punch the person who approved this budget right in the wiener! Seriously, though, Avatar?! The entire trilogy of "Lord of the Rings" was half the cost and so much more beneficial to existence... just saying.
On a tangential note, my feet miss their freedom circa January 2009 - mid-November 2009. I had no winter, and thus let my tootsies run ramped and reek havoc on the earth's dirty ground. Once the chilly weather started to sink in, though, I realized that the jig was up and that it was time to tame the beasts and put on the constricting torture devices commonly known as shoes. Bare feet, I miss you.

This one is for you, Jenny Schaeffer...