Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Darling, I'm lost

Dear Oakland,

In no way, shape, or form am I an agile person. In fact, I have an abominably low level of coordination. So, please... spare the joints of my lower extremities and my pride and shovel your side walks. I have eaten so much shit as I wobble and slide to campus lately, my eyes are starting to turn brown.

With minute amounts of love,

On a side note, the snow that is piled high above the sewer vents are incidentally turning into igloos. The putrid steam (the steam that I am impetuously afraid to breathe in, as I feel like my lungs are filling with other's vaporized fecal matter) has melted the inner most parts of the mounds, creating a sort of hollowed out den. A haven for the homeless, perhaps.

Cat Power- Metal Heart (Moonpix or Jukebox version... take your pick)

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