Sunday, January 31, 2010
A bad - at best - metaphor to my life...
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Alright, Miss Lonely....
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
And maybe I'm dumb for making you smile...
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
I don't really want to be the queen.
It just seems natural; you and me against the world...
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Too deaf, dumb, and blind to see the damage he's done...
Q:Do I ALWAYS use condoms?
A:No. I'm a suffering college student; I can't afford that shit. Not to mention, sex is a rarity... if there isn't protection at my immediate disposal, I'm not going slam the breaks and hope that a reoccurance doesn't hibernate for ANOTHER twelve months.
Q:Do Iknow the repercussions of my actions?
A:I'm not eight anymore... yes, I know what can happen. But sex feels so much better (and it flows more fluidly) without the smelly cum catchers in the picture.
Q:Am I ready to deal with the consequenses?
A:Fuck no, I'm not ready for a baby... but that sure as shit wasn't a part of my thought pattern at the time. I was acting in my natural animal instinct and taking care of business. Thank you, though, for reminding me that I am a twenty two year old piece of shit who lacks the physical means and mental maturity to care for herself, let alone another human life. Plus, I'm kind of banking on the fact that my body knows better than to allow any sort of fertilization to ensue.
Q:Does my partner have other partners?
A:Ugh, probably?... I don't know nor do I care to know.
Q (more of a statement/judgement that a question, but...):Well, dear, having this sort of conversation with your partner is very important.
A:Listen, lady... a girl's got needs and it's none of my business what my "partner" is doing when he isn't satisfying the aforementioned needs.
After this demeaning interview, you go into the exam room and that's when you enter true Hell on Earth. You're sitting there, embarrassed and naked... half exposed because the gown needs to be open in the front so that the doctor can fondle your boobies while trying to make the experience less constrained with terrible conversation ending with a (not-so-funny) joke about flopping your feet into the slings and skooching your bum to the edge of the table. Ugh, then the doctor breaks out the massive light the glares warm on all your unmentionables. As if the image isn't disgusting enough au naturel, the beaming imperfection finder picks out all of the super nasties by illuminating every this, that, and the next thing of your perineum.
"Alright, dear, now just spread your knees a little more.... a little more..... just a little more...." What the hell, doc? What on Earth could you be shoving up there that my legs need to be split and spread from sea to shining sea? Cheese and rice... the next few minutes are some of the most uncomfortable minutes in a girl's life. Minutes that she subconsciously dreads all year long. There is good news, though. My doctor told me that I had an "A+ vagina" (that damn judging again). I'm going to brag a bit and say that to have a vagina of such stature is quite the accomplishment... but who the fuck says that? What do you say back to something like that? Ugh... can I get dressed now? God, I hope I can get dressed now.
After the gyno, I went to my grandparent's house to get an adjustment from my pap - a chiropractor - since I've been sick. I told them where I was coming from and I got the third degree about being pregnant (they've got more bastard grandchildren than I can count on one hand). Again... there is good news. My grandma slipped a twenty into my cleavage (eeek, embarrassing). However, she told me that I should "try to" doll myself up and use the twenty to take a handsome young boy to lunch so that I'm not "alone" anymore. Jesus, do I look that desparate? Eff me... I bought a bottle of semi-decent wine for me, myself, and I instead.
Random things that I might want to recall/want to interweb to know:
1. My 83 year old grandfather made a facebook. There are just no words.... I am keeping my fingers crossed that he doesn't request my friendship because I will have no choice but to deny him.
2. I went to Babe's Bar last night... only the finest of Derry Area's establishment where only the classiest of people venture to sip the most ravishing of drinks (aka a shit hole with dirt floors where forty-something year old hicks with limited teeth drink mass amounts of the beer on special). I drank far too many beers, got hit on excessively by an old/married man, and witnessed a bar brawl that ended with the words: "Meet me at the little league field to settle this like real men, you chicken dick sucking mother fucker." Yeah...... Not to mention, I'm lucky to be alive after Tara's driving shananagins on the way home.
3. My mom found my sister's cherry flavored blunt wraps this morning. She thorougly inspected the tube and then asked, "Who's lip gloss is this?" Holy hell.... After Emily explained what they were, she had a minor freak out, saying that it was the same thing as having alcohol in the house for minors. My sister reassured that it wasn't like having the alcohol... it was more like having the shot glass.
4. Finally, I am avoiding my notes at all costs (as I'd rather fail my exams this week than study for them) by watching YouTube videos of Jeff Buckley. I'm confused and frustrated that the stupid site is telling me that some of the best songs are blocked in "my country". Now, I'z been all over this here world... and I've come to find that the U.S. of A. is the best country there ever was (derrrr). No, but really... why is it blocked in America? He was an American and his music is so beautiful that I just want to enjoy it. How can you block a country?
Thursday, January 21, 2010
A walking, talking pit of disease and despair
The way my dogs snug me is by far the best. After an excessive attack via jump session, I lay on the couch and they nuzzle perfectly into any nook or cranny they find. It's wonderful. So, pack your bags and come back home.
Monday, January 18, 2010
The Beautiful Truth
The illness that is taking over my upper body has made its way into my ears... the worst. I love how most of my blogs are about being such a downer (I don't actually mean "love" in the literal sense). I need to find something to make myself happy, but that's the exact problem; I'm too upset about nothing to make myself do anything that will fix me all better (that sounds like a two year old, but since I'm complaining, why not?). It's a vicious, vicious cycle. Also, I can barely stop coughing enough to type a sentence and the immediate respiratory alkalosis that follows the violent hack session makes me too loopy to think.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
I am hangin' from a rope. I will haunt you like a ghost.
Please, please don't do this to me again:

I need my next two week diversion to momentarily keep my mind from wondering down all of the wrong paths. Eek, so many wrong paths lately. I want to regret them, but there's really no point. Perhaps I should make my diversion a cause and not a human. Haiti, for example. I should find a way to help with Haiti. Unfortunately, I am far too lazy and selfish today to do anything of the sort.
Margot and the Nuclear So and So's - Broadripple is Burning
Saturday, January 16, 2010
mosh mosh mosh
My faces of mosh:

If I were hip enough for a tumblr, I would just re-post... but I'm not, so I can't. This is what Lena thinks of me:
pretend to myself
i think you think this way.
Are you angry with someone right now?
I just want to fall on a knife.
Have you ever slept in the same bed as your friends?I woke up next to Lena. Beautiful.
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
Have you ever been called a bad influence?
What is the last thing you ate?
I just made spasarah.
Been caught doing something you weren’t suppose to be doing?
Ham and peppperonis.
PITT nursing school. Just kill me.
I hate wiping butts. Unemployed.
Something you should be doing?
My paper. I don’t care. I do care. I will stress all day.
Biggest Fear:
Anal.Are you talking to any friends now:
“I asked is that fucking okay with you?”. Lena is a bitch.
Do you have any best friends of the opposite sex:
Eric P. for life.
Any friends with the same name as your sibilings:
Probz. *giggles*
Do you like anyone:
Knit caps. Yes, just knit cappers. If you are fucking greasy and disgusting i hearts you.
Do you care about someone:
Are you dating the last person you kissed:
I have kissed 500 men.
Name someone in your homeroom:
Highschool is for bitches.
Do you like all your teachers:Nursing school is sucking the life out of me. UGH.
In any clubs:
Peen club.
MY fAmiLy iz CraZy
Do all your siblings live at home:
Are you the oldest or the youngest:
Oldest. Da boss.
Where do you want to go to college?
Nursing school. kill me seriously. i want to be in portland.
Do you want to get married?
Yes and have lots of BABIES
How many kids do you want?
90. 90 BABIES.
What’s the last song you heard?
Who did you last slow dance with?myself. so sawd.
Have you hugged anyone in the last 24 hours?
Lena and i spooned.
Whats your last text message say?
When you say you love someone, do you mean it?
i am a real bitch.
Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow?
have to wake up at 6 and do my paper. seriously.
What were you doing at 9:56 this morning?
what in the world.
Do you still talk to any of your ex’s?
all of dem.
What color is your shirt?
What are you currently listening to?
Where’s the last place you went?
to the bbox to dance my ass off.
Have you held hands with anyone lately?
Who was the last person to call you?
Are you a forgiving person?
I’ll always forgive my friends. they are my world.
Can you watch scary movies?
only if lena is holding my hand.
Has anyone ever said something that brought tears to your eyes?he REALLY, REALLY was uninterested.
Have you ever received a myspace message that made you cry?
today. hearts.
Does it bother you when people try to make you jealous?
people are always trying to PISS me off
What are you excited for?
Tonight omg.
Are you a bitch?
No. the best friend you’ll ever have.
What swear word do you say most often?
Do you ever go on Youtube and search the most random things?when i’m with my best friends.
Whats the next movie you want to see in theaters?
anything with blood because i am a nurse and i like to tell my friends how to fix the blood problem.
Do you live near a beach?
portland bitch.
Do you have more than $50 in your room?
No. mrow.
Do you think there’s a difference between love and in love?
Yes for sure.
Do you like tomatoes ?
veg for life.
Were you tired when you woke up this morning?eric woke me up and i wanted to fall on a knife.
What did you have for breakfast today?
Who is probably talking a load of crap about you right now?
lena, probably.
How long have you had a myspace?
Whats one thing you like about winter?i hate winter because it gives me winter hair. fuck pantene.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
I was amazed at the colors and shapes you do.
1. Stop the insanity... for my sake and for the sake of everyone around me.
2. The paper that I was supposed to do today... but got free Red Robin - compliments of Lena's mom - instead.
3. Read the books that I got as Christmas gifts.
4. Take the TV from Lena's room so that I can hibernate in my cave for the next four months with the assistance of DVDs.
5. Find a profession that does not make me want to die. This one is especially good timing, seeing as how I am a senior in college.
6. Become less anti-social so that this can come to an end someday in the very near future.
7. Get my skin disease checked. I really hate skin.
8. Discontinue going to bed at 5 a.m. when I have to wake up at 9 a.m. I am getting more haggard by the minute. Shit.
My life would be better ten fold if you would just love me back, George Harrison.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Here's lookin' at you, kid.
Lena is leaving tomorrow. I'm bummed... even if she only likes me for my ridiculousness (you bitch with your hidden blog that contains mean things!). Hopefully, she finds Slippery Rock to be silly and she returns to me regularly. Mrow, beanz... until we meet again.
You should reconsider your position, but.... we'll always have Pittsburgh.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
bullet proof... i wish i was
This blog is a hallmark example of flight of ideas. I am manic, it's true.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Love the life you live. Live the life you love.
Monday, January 4, 2010
You used to be one of the rotten ones...
I Don't Blame You - Cat Power
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Wondering the world for the wallet
Things I want:
1. the following map to be used as both a headboard and a wishing well of the places I'd like to go.