I managed to leave my wallet at two separate houses today on two separate sides of the city. Each abandonment called for a short, yet enjoyable road trip with Jenny. Now, I'm knitting a wretched (but ever so soft) scarf, listening to David Bowie, drinking a glass of wine, and waiting for half off. As much as i despise nursing school... I might need it so that I have at least small meaning in my life. Although, making cuddle puddles in my bed while I (nearly illiterately) read Chuck Palahniuk to my mates is nice, too.
Things I want:
1. the following map to be used as both a headboard and a wishing well of the places I'd like to go.

2. the following vintage record player to play all of the records I collect in my life time and put into the fantasy music room in my future abode.

3. this mini cooper... yes, the old ass one because I think it's cuter. Plus, I would look so cool cruising around with the windows down and my long, greasy hair blowing in the Portland wind in this.

4. someone to purchase these things for me, as I am a broke bitch. Not to mention, it would be fun to plan worldly trips, listen to good music in an enchanting room, and venture the west coast with someone at my side. God, that's a really embarrassing request. Don't judge.
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