My faces of mosh:

If I were hip enough for a tumblr, I would just re-post... but I'm not, so I can't. This is what Lena thinks of me:
pretend to myself
i think you think this way.
Are you angry with someone right now?
I just want to fall on a knife.
Have you ever slept in the same bed as your friends?I woke up next to Lena. Beautiful.
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
Have you ever been called a bad influence?
What is the last thing you ate?
I just made spasarah.
Been caught doing something you weren’t suppose to be doing?
Ham and peppperonis.
PITT nursing school. Just kill me.
I hate wiping butts. Unemployed.
Something you should be doing?
My paper. I don’t care. I do care. I will stress all day.
Biggest Fear:
Anal.Are you talking to any friends now:
“I asked is that fucking okay with you?”. Lena is a bitch.
Do you have any best friends of the opposite sex:
Eric P. for life.
Any friends with the same name as your sibilings:
Probz. *giggles*
Do you like anyone:
Knit caps. Yes, just knit cappers. If you are fucking greasy and disgusting i hearts you.
Do you care about someone:
Are you dating the last person you kissed:
I have kissed 500 men.
Name someone in your homeroom:
Highschool is for bitches.
Do you like all your teachers:Nursing school is sucking the life out of me. UGH.
In any clubs:
Peen club.
MY fAmiLy iz CraZy
Do all your siblings live at home:
Are you the oldest or the youngest:
Oldest. Da boss.
Where do you want to go to college?
Nursing school. kill me seriously. i want to be in portland.
Do you want to get married?
Yes and have lots of BABIES
How many kids do you want?
90. 90 BABIES.
What’s the last song you heard?
Who did you last slow dance with?myself. so sawd.
Have you hugged anyone in the last 24 hours?
Lena and i spooned.
Whats your last text message say?
When you say you love someone, do you mean it?
i am a real bitch.
Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow?
have to wake up at 6 and do my paper. seriously.
What were you doing at 9:56 this morning?
what in the world.
Do you still talk to any of your ex’s?
all of dem.
What color is your shirt?
What are you currently listening to?
Where’s the last place you went?
to the bbox to dance my ass off.
Have you held hands with anyone lately?
Who was the last person to call you?
Are you a forgiving person?
I’ll always forgive my friends. they are my world.
Can you watch scary movies?
only if lena is holding my hand.
Has anyone ever said something that brought tears to your eyes?he REALLY, REALLY was uninterested.
Have you ever received a myspace message that made you cry?
today. hearts.
Does it bother you when people try to make you jealous?
people are always trying to PISS me off
What are you excited for?
Tonight omg.
Are you a bitch?
No. the best friend you’ll ever have.
What swear word do you say most often?
Do you ever go on Youtube and search the most random things?when i’m with my best friends.
Whats the next movie you want to see in theaters?
anything with blood because i am a nurse and i like to tell my friends how to fix the blood problem.
Do you live near a beach?
portland bitch.
Do you have more than $50 in your room?
No. mrow.
Do you think there’s a difference between love and in love?
Yes for sure.
Do you like tomatoes ?
veg for life.
Were you tired when you woke up this morning?eric woke me up and i wanted to fall on a knife.
What did you have for breakfast today?
Who is probably talking a load of crap about you right now?
lena, probably.
How long have you had a myspace?
Whats one thing you like about winter?i hate winter because it gives me winter hair. fuck pantene.
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