Saturday, January 30, 2010

Alright, Miss Lonely....

Last night began with the man at the liquor store saying to Eric and myself, "Aren't you guys glad that you're regulars?!" Is that really something to be glad about? Being a local at an alcohol store? Well, define "glad". Then, Eric and I went to a play entitled Sex a.k.a. Weiners and Boobs. It was pretty funny and worth braving the bitter, frigid cold that damn near caused frost bite leading to loss of phalanges/limb. Upon return to Melwood, a small crew had gathered. Enter mass amounts of drinks (SHOTS) and giggles. It was the most fun I've had here in a while. It was a good thing. It made me realize how much I really do enjoy my buds. Eric and I ended the night with serious heart to hearts under a mountain of blankets. However, I might be suffering from an epidural hemorrhage (compliments of Dan). That is, post-blunt force trauma, blood began to fill between my skull and the first layer of meninges (the dura matter). The pressure in my brain is going to rise until the ventricles shift and I show symptoms of a stroke (hemiplegia on my left side and extremely dilated pupil on the right side.... I got hit on the left so I will herniate to the right... the deviation will be a counter-coup, secondary injury... how did I only get a 79 on my exam?!). To ensure an ultimate demise, the contents of my brain will seek pressure relief in the most extreme of ways; they will shove through the foramen magnum at the base of my skull and turn my entire existence to mush. I suppose that the final result of perishing can be validated by saying that it was a good evening. I am kind of hoping for some sort of injury so that I can procrastinate my school work for an even longer amount of time.

My friends are coming for the evening. I am excited to see them. We were going to see Anti-Christ tonight, but the Pittsburgh theater cut its showings. Bummer.

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